EW/EC/ME/OD/SL Formulations

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Description:1、 Product features: sp-of3421s is emulsifier, and sp-of3477 is used for oil suspension concentrate products, with a tot···

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product details

  一、 Product features:

  Sp-of3421s is emulsifier, which is combined with sp-of3477, and is used in oil suspension concentrate products with a total addition of 15-18%.

  二、 Typical data:

  Appearance: light yellow oily liquid

  PH value (1% aqueous solution, 250C): 6.0 ~ 7.0

  Density (25 ℃, g / ml): 1.04

  Cloud point (1% aqueous solution) 110 ~ 130 ℃

  HLB value: 6 ~ 7

  三、 Application examples

Preparation varietiesSP-OF3477SP-OF3421S
6% propargyl + 12% propargyl10%5%
4% Emamectin + 16% indoxacarb OD11%8%
20% Cyhalofop OD8%7%
20% furamethoxam OD3%12%
6.9% fenoxaprop-p-ethyl + 2.1% ethoxysulfuron + 2.3% pyrazolyl OD8%7%
Fluroxypyr + 3% fluroxypyr + 3% fluroxypyr7%8%
150g / L bifenthrin + 200g / L furamethoxam OD6%9%
1.5% trifluoromethyl + 20% propranolol + 20% Cyhalofop OD8%7%

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